Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog Post 4 - Googoosh

I chose to watch one of Googoosh’s live performances on YouTube. The title was “A Unique Performance of GOOGOOSH(Kavir Song).” There are some distinct music elements that different from other popular music that I have seen. For one, the crowd was mostly dressed very eloquently, and an extremely large crowd at that. Somehow, they managed to provides seats for everyone as well. Googoosh, like the crowd is dressed in very nicely, differently from some of the clothing that we would see in today’s western style music. It seems very appropriate for the time and age of Googoosh’s performance. Which I believe this video was from 2000 (at least that was referenced in the comments for the video.) But I think this also shows her traditional culture. Although I know that her tour was a very big thing that captured media from around the world, letting a female from Iran go on tour. It was to show the new political forces in power during that time.

Her music is very intriguing and I would almost describe it was uplifting. There is a certain breathtaking sensation that not only takes me away but also the crowd as well. In the beginning of the video, you can see some of the individuals swaying to the music. It looks like she includes the drums, piano, and a flute to create her piece. At the end of the song, the crowd goes wild to show their appreciation for Googoosh.

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