Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog Post 7: Radio UTD

I chose to do my music ethnography over Sean Jordan’s Radio UTD time slot, which cover Alternative Indie music. I would like to provide a brief background of this music type as well as how things are typically run at Radio UTD. First of all, the music stirred during the mid 80’s or 90’s depending on the source that you will look at. I would sum Indie music up as individuals or bands that are not commercialized through big radio stations and albums. They are not confined to some of the trends that you would classify popular music. Indie music is unique because it is an image of what is going on in the artists head. This means that sometimes it can be without a specific or easy to hear melody. This lack of restriction really allows the artists to explore their imaginations. Radio UTD plays a huge role in the exposure of this type of music. Every week, they receive several CD’s that they are required to promote. With some basic equipment that they have in the station, they are able to broadcast this music of internet channels as well as places like the Student Union on the UTD Campus. Without Radio UTD, and other college student run organizations, most of this music would probably go unheard. There are several concerts that you can attend in your location. Most of those are advertised through UTD but you can access concert venues through you local entertainment sites. Radio UTD also hosts some concerts on campus and they bring in bands to perform from all over the United States. I hope that you find this music-culture as entertaining as I did and I hope that I have provided a good enough brief information for you to research on.
Here are some websites that you can view to further your interests in this music-culture:

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